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Love your Gut Bacteria

Getting the microbiome in mind around birth should be on every pregnant woman's agenda. Seeding baby's microbiome well at birth can help set a baby on a path to long term good health and protect against a life of inappropriate immune responses.

During a vaginal birth Mum will pass onto baby a 'payload' of bacteria, helpingyour baby to survive and thrive in a world where every second of every day that baby will be exposed to bacteria, some good, some harmful. The payload is important as it delivers the 'starter kit', which will colonise the infant’s gut, and in doing so helps to train the immune system to recognise friend from foe, which bacteria to attack and which to leave alone. Get this wrong at the start and baby can be left with an immune system that for the rest of life attacks the wrong things, such as gluten or pollen.Help pass on a healthier microbiome by eating gut friendly food and taking steps to reduce stress You can keep up to date by liking and following this pageIf you are a health professional and would like to know more, book on our workshop today (or message us to arrange one in your area)


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